@article{oai:pu-hiroshima.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000714, author = {出口, 佳奈絵 and IDEGUCHI, kanae and 保手濱, 由基 and HOTEHAMA, Yuuki and 国信, 清香 and KUNINOBU, Kiyoka and 中田, 麻衣 and NAKATA, Mai and 佐野, 尚美 and SANO, Naomi and 加藤, 秀夫 and KATO, Hideo and 西田, 由香 and NISHIDA, Yuka}, journal = {県立広島大学人間文化学部紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, In this study, we examined to difference in dietary protein contents on circadian rhythm of carbohydrate metabolism in the liver of rats. Blood sample were obtained at same time with a portal vein to the liver from the intestinal tract and a hepatic vein. From difference between blood glucose level in a portal vein and a hepatic vein, it was found that there was active gluconeogenesis in the fasting, especially in the group of high-protein diet. In fact, high-protein diet group was shift to the gluconeogenesis earlier than the other protein diet groups. The amplitude of the carbohydrate rhythm decreased with increase in dietary protein (casein) content. The plasma adiponectin involved in carbohydrate metabolism disappeared clear daily changes in all groups, but maintained elevated levels in rats fed low-protein diet. Therefore, it is clarified the effects of dietary protein intake on the various metabolic changes in the rats liver. From the perspective of the chrononutrition, we showed the importance of dietary protein intake for generation of the circadian rhythm of carbohydrate metabolism in the rats liver.}, pages = {35--43}, title = {肝臓の糖質代謝リズムに関する研究 (2) : 食餌蛋白質量の影響について}, volume = {6}, year = {2011}, yomi = {イデグチ, カナエ and ホテハマ, ユウキ and クニノブ, キヨカ and ナカタ, マイ and サノ, ナオミ and カトウ, ヒデオ and ニシダ, ユカ} }