@article{oai:pu-hiroshima.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000443, author = {石田, 宜子 and ISHIDA, Yoshiko and 青山, ヒフミ and AOYAMA, Hihumi and 井上, 智子 and INOUE, Makoto}, issue = {1}, journal = {人間と科学 : 県立広島大学保健福祉学部誌, Humanity and science : journal of the Faculty of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究の目的は,不眠を訴える患者の看護を検討するために,入院患者の睡眠薬使用の実態,睡眠薬に対する思い,患者の不眠に対して行われる看護援助への認識を明らかにすることである。自記式調査票を某公立病院入院患者に配布し,223名から回答を得た。その結果,約3割の入院患者が現在睡眠薬を服用しており,その約6割は入院前には服用していなかった人々であった。睡眠薬服用の有無別に睡眠満足度を比較した結果,睡眠薬服用群の方が睡眠満足度が有意に低かった。睡眠薬に対しては薬に頼りたくない,副作用が怖いという否定的な考えが多く述べられていた。看護師がよく行う不眠対策として睡眠薬与薬を挙げる患者が約半数と最も多く,足浴や指圧は数%の患者が挙げるに過ぎなかった。睡眠薬使用にあたって悪いイメージや誤解を解くこと,不眠を訴える患者の話をよく聞くなど看護独自の対策を積極的に行う必要性が示された。, The purpose of the study was to investigate the perception of hospitalized patients regarding hypnotic drug usage and nursing care for sleep. We asked patients in a public hospital to complete a questionnaire including items on the actual usage of hypnotic drugs, their attitude to the drugs, and the perceived help to sleep by nurses. Two hundred twenty three were answered and analysed. About 30 percent of patients were taking a hypnotic drug as of the survey, although 60 percent of them had not taken it at home. Comparing the satisfaction of sleep whether the patient was taking the hypnotic drug or not, the patients who were taking it were significantly less satisfied than others. Many patients stated a negative view of hypnotic drugs, for example "I don't want to depend on hypnotic drugs" and "I am afraid of their side effects". About half of the patients chose the item "To give you a hypnotic drug" as common nursing care when a patient complained of sleeplessness, and only a few percent of patients chose "To bathe your feet" or "To do acupressure". These results demonstrated the need to clear up the misunderstanding or the negative image of hypnotic drugs when nurses give them to patients, and to give nursing care more actively., 原著|Original Article|国立情報学研究所で電子化}, pages = {79--87}, title = {入院患者の睡眠薬使用や看護ケアに対する認識}, volume = {8}, year = {2008}, yomi = {イシダ, ヨシコ and アオヤマ, ヒフミ and イノウエ, トモコ} }