@article{oai:pu-hiroshima.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000218, author = {古山, 千佳子 and KOYAMA, Chikako and 高木, 雅之 and TAKAGI, Masayuki and 吉岡, 和哉 and YOSHIOKA, Kazuya}, issue = {1}, journal = {人間と科学 : 県立広島大学保健福祉学部誌, Humanity and science : journal of the Faculty of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 特別支援教育における作業療法のニーズが高まる一方で,教員と作業療法士(以下OT)の連携不足やOT の役割の不明確さが指摘されている。そこで,本研究では,特別支援学校における教員とOTの連携した取り組みやOTへの期待を明らかにすることを目的に,広島県内の特別支援学校教員約1,200名を対象にアンケート調査を実施した(有効回答数240名)。その結果,9割以上の教員がOTを知ってはいたが,約7割が年1~ 3回しか連携していなかった。教員とOTが取り組んだ内容には,児童生徒への直接的なアプローチと教員へのアプローチの2種類があり,9割以上の教員が役に立ったと回答した。また,教員はOTに対し,児童生徒のニーズと問題の明確化,教室での直接的な問題解決,専門性を尊重した連携,学校システムへの理解など,連携内容の充実を期待していた。特別支援学校でOTにできることは,OTの視点で児童生徒を評価し,教員と情報共有することを通して児童生徒の具体的な問題解決に取り組むことだと考える。, The need for occupational therapists (OTs) in special needs education is increasing, but collaboration between school teachers and OTs is insufficient, and the role of OTs in special needs schools is unclear. The purpose of this research is to clarify the practice of OTs in special needs schools and the expectations of school teachers with regard to OTs. We sent a questionnaire to 1,200 teachers at special needs schools in Hiroshima Prefecture. Two hundred forty school teachers responded. More than 90% of teachers knew OTs, and about 70% of teachers collaborated with OTs only 1 to 3 times a year. There were two types of OT interventions in special needs schools: direct interventions for students and interventions for teachers. More than 90% of teachers responded that OTs were useful. Teachers expected them to clarify the needs and problems of students, to solve specific student problems in the classroom, to collaborate while respecting each other’s identity, and to understand the school system. OTs may be able to solve the problems of students in their classrooms by evaluating student occupational performance and sharing student information with teachers., 報告}, pages = {79--88}, title = {特別支援学校における教員と作業療法士の連携―教員へのアンケート調査より―}, volume = {18}, year = {2018}, yomi = {コヤマ, チカコ and タカギ, マサユキ and ヨシオカ, カズヤ} }