@article{oai:pu-hiroshima.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001344, author = {綿森, 淑子 and WATAMORI, Toshiko and 小林, 久子 and KOBAYASHI, Hisako and 本多, 留美 and HONDA, Rumi and 相楽, 多恵子 and SAGARA, Taeko}, issue = {1}, journal = {広島県立保健福祉大学誌人間と科学, Journal of Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health Sciences, humanity and science}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 失語症は言語によるコミュニケーションを阻害し, 生活基盤を脅かす重大な障害であるにもかかわらず, 要介護度認定にはほとんど反映されない。また, 失語症者を介護する家族の介護負担感には, コミュニケーションの問題が影響すると思われるが, こうした側面を考慮した評価法や質問紙は未だ開発されていない。我々は失語症者の家族の介護負担感を評価する評価法作成の基礎データを得ることを目的に, 失語症友の会全国大会参加者を対象に失語症によるコミュニケーションの困難さが日常生活に及ぼす影響についてアンケート調査を行った。アンケートの方法は自己記入式で, 266名より回答があった。介護者の特性についての検討から, 見守り時間の長さと介護者の年齢の間には関連があることが示唆された。一方, 失語症者のコミュニケーションの困難度は, 誰かに相談したい思い, 見守り時間の長さなどと関連することが示唆された。見守り理由としては, 身体介助の問題とコミュニケーション困難に関連する本人の不安が挙げられた。, Aphasia brings about difficulties in all aspects of communication. Persons with aphasia not only have difficulties expressing their problems, and understanding what others say, but have difficulty obtaining information through various media including printed media. Although communication problems tend to leave persons with aphasia isolated from all kinds of social interaction and threaten the foundations of their lives, care-giver burden assessment tools developed thus far have not included the unique needs of persons with aphasia. As a part of the process of developing a care-giver burden scale for family members caring for persons with aphasia, we asked care-givers attending the 20th National Aphasia Peer Group Meeting to fill in questionnaires regarding communication difficulties and their influence on daily life. Consequently, 266 family care-givers self-administered the questionnaire. The results indicated statistically significant relationships between care-givers' age and the length of time family care-givers look after persons with aphasia. As for persons with aphasia, statistically significant relationships were indicated between the degree of communication difficulty, care-givers' needs for consulting with somebody and the length of time family care-givers look after persons with aphasia. The main reasons for the length of time spent looking after persons with aphasia fell into two categories : one was the need for physical care and the other was the anxiety of persons with aphasia about being left alone without effective methods of communication., 報告 Report 国立情報学研究所で電子化}, pages = {75--85}, title = {在宅失語症者の家族の介護負担感 : アンケート調査報告}, volume = {4}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ワタモリ, トシコ and コバヤシ, ヒサコ and ホンダ, ルミ and サガラ, タエコ} }