@article{oai:pu-hiroshima.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001343, author = {坊岡, 峰子 and BOOKA, Mineko and 綿森, 淑子 and WATAMORI, Toshiko and 相楽, 多恵子 and SAGARA, Taeko and 吉畑, 博代 and YOSHIHATA, Hiroyo and 本多, 留美 and HONDA, Rumi and 長谷川, 純 and HASEGAWA, Jun and 小山, 美恵 and KOYAMA, Yoshie}, issue = {1}, journal = {広島県立保健福祉大学誌人間と科学, Journal of Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health Sciences, humanity and science}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 高齢者施設利用者には, コミュニケーション障害・嚥下障害を持つ者が多く, 入所時にコミュニケーション障害及び嚥下障害の有無ならびにその状況を把握することは適切なケアを実施する上で欠かせない。これらの利用者に適した簡便な評価法の開発を目的こ, 「高齢者用コミュニケーション機能スクリーニング検査 (Communication Function Screening Test for the Elderly)」と「報告書」を作成した。本研究では全国の老人保健施設などに勤務する言語聴覚士に同検査の実施を依頼し, 本検査ならびに内容的妥当性および検査一再検査の信頼性を検討した。その結果, 本検査はコミュニケーション障害や嚥下障害の状況及び要精査領域を短時間で大まかに把握できる点で有効な検査であり, 妥当性, 信頼性を備えていることが明らかとなった。しかし, 対象とした健常群でも基準値に達しない者の多い項目も明らかになり, 健常高齢者のデータをさらに幅広く検討することが必要と考えられた。また言語聴覚士の感想からは検査項目の更なる検討や他職種への情報提供の方法が今後の課題となった。, According to Takahashi and Watamori (1999), the majority of Geriatric Health Facilities' users possessed communication disorders. Swallowing problems are also common in this population. Communication is a basic premise to provide the users optimal medical care and appropriate assistance with daily activities. Swallowing is crucial to the safety of the users. Information regarding the status of communication and swallowing are thus crucial when a user receives services at Geriatric Health Facilities. However, speech-language-hearing therapists (abbreviated as ST hereafter), who specialize in the assessment of communication and swallowing, have not been required as standard staff members of Geriatric Health Facilities until recently. Although the employment of STS has increased after the recent revision of the Long Term Care Insurance coverage, most of the STs who work in these facilities are young and inexperienced, and assessment tools intended for such a population have not been developed yet (Honda, 2002). Considering these circumstances, the authors developed a Communication Function Screening Test for the Elderly (CFSE) to be used by STs who work at Geriatric Health Facilities. The purpose of this research is twofold : 1) to examine the content validity and test-retest reliability of the CFSE, and 2) to verify the usability of this test among STs by means of a questionnaire. The results indicated that this screening test possessed sufficient reliability and validity and the time required to administer the test was short. It also provided information for STs to reach possible diagnosis and areas for further examination. Thus it was judged to be a practical tool for assessing communication disorders and swallowing problems in users of Geriatric Health Facilities. Examination of STs' responses to the questionnaire suggested the need to reestablish norms for certain items and to revise some of the stimulus items. Although it is very important to share information regarding users' communication and swallowing status, the method of disseminating information to other professionals such as caregivers needs further refinement., 報告 Report 国立情報学研究所で電子化}, pages = {61--74}, title = {高齢者用コミュニケーション機能スクリーニング検査 (CFSE) の開発}, volume = {4}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ボウオカ, ミネコ and ワタモリ, トシコ and サガラ, タエコ and ヨシハタ, ヒロヨ and ホンダ, ルミ and ハセガワ, ジュン and コヤマ, ヨシエ} }