@article{oai:pu-hiroshima.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001338, author = {加藤, 一生 and KATO, Kazuo}, issue = {1}, journal = {広島県立保健福祉大学誌人間と科学, Journal of Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health Sciences, humanity and science}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, In order to prepare data for estimating the precise amounts of the naturally produced long life nuclide of ^<36>Cl (3 x 10^5 y of half life) in granites distantly exposed to the Hiroshima atomic bomb, contents of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th) were determined by measurements of gamma rays from natural radioactivities. The contents of K, Th and U in granites not exposed to the atomic bomb were also determined for examining how the contents varied amongst different lithospheres around Hiroshima. This yielded interesting facts, such as that the K contents in Iyo stones from Iyo-Ohshima Island, Ehime Prefecture were much lower than those in Giin stones from Kurahashi Island near Hiroshima City. Seventeen samples were taken out at various depths in a large granite body near the top of the mountain for the Giin quarry. The results showed that the U and Th contents were very high in a small part of the body. The maximum values were 6.5 ppm U and 55 ppm Th. This suggests that the U and Th contents vary widely according to location in the Giin quarry., 広島原爆に遠距離で被爆した花嵐岩中に自然発生した長寿命核種^<36>Cl (半減期3×10^5年) の量の正確な推定を行う上で必要となる情報を得るために, カリウム (K), ウラニウム (U) ならびにトリウム (Th) 含有率を天然放射性同位元素からのガンマ線測定を行い定量した。非被爆花嵐岩中のU, ThならびにKも定量し, それらが広島周辺の岩盤ごとにどのように変わるか調べた。定量結果から, たとえば愛媛県の伊予大島からの伊予石におけるKの含有率は広島市に近い倉橋島の議院石の含有率に比べて低い, などいくつかの興味深い事柄が分かった。議院石採石場の山頂近くにあった大きな岩盤の様々な深さから採取した17個の測定結果から, UとTh含有率が岩盤のある小さな部分で極めて高いことが分かった。その最大値はUの6.5ppm, そしてThの55ppmである。このことから, UとThの含有率は議院石採石場の中の位置によってかなり変化することが推察された。, 原著 Original Article 国立情報学研究所で電子化}, pages = {9--20}, title = {Neutrons due to Natural Radioactivities in Granite Rock Samples in Hiroshima City and the Surrounding Areas}, volume = {4}, year = {2004}, yomi = {カトウ, カズオ} }